start directly?
You’re looking for a positive change in your team or organization, feeling responsible for both a good atmosphere as well as good results. We enjoy supporting you in creating meaningful work for all. Together we develop an environment in which people receive recognition for their contributions. We measure and provide insight, we advise and inspire, facilitate and support.
our services
More and more working means cooperating with others. For your team you wish for an environment in which all can contribute towards team goals from their unique talents. We have tools and interventions to speed up team development.
Organisational advice
You like everyone to take responsibility for improvements. People need insights that are actionable. We measure happiness at work and create individual, team and organization reports. This is an interactive and dynamic alternative for an employee satisfaction survey.
Executive coaching
For those in leadership positions we offer the opportunity to discuss and explore personal dilemma’s and effectiveness. We always work with the aim to increase your happiness at work and that of the people you work with. From this perspective we can include a complete team of directors or board members.
Pleasure without purpose feels
empty; purpose without pleasure
drains your energy. Happiness
at work = purpose + pleasure.
- Paul Dolan, Happiness by design
increase happiness at work
More and more people expect work to be fun as well as providing a salary. If it takes too long to find the fun in work they will look elsewhere. Many organizations put a lot of effort into happiness at work and may even appoint a Chief Happiness Officer. Understandably so, because you want people to enjoy working with your organization.
At the same time you realize happiness and productivity go hand in hand; you don’t want to go about this in a random manner but apply a proven approach. And you expect everyone to take responsibility form their own role and responsibility.
Culture change
For us happiness at work is closely linked to unlocking people’s potential and the results that benefit the organization as a result of improved performance. No happiness without performance. No pleasure in work without a meaningful contribution.
We provide people with insight in the factors that determine happiness at work and support them in making the changes they can make themselves. Also, we show those in leadership their role in creating the right conditions. And if that works, culture change is an added – and welcome – result.
How do we do this? A brief description of our services.
Team coaching
Enjoying work is depending on more than your own actions, e.g. the quality of the interaction within your team. We enjoy creating insights into team dynamics and like to work with our Happiness at Work assessment (an online questionnaire exploring all aspects impacting happiness at work) or Communication Intelligence/ Life Languages (insight inti communication preferences). Using these tools the project of 4-6 sessions always has an individual as well as a team dimension. Of course it is possible to combine team coaching with an individual trajectory for a team leader/ manager.
Organisational development
Organisational development starts with sound insights. Therefore each person compltes an online questionnaire and receives a personal report. This report can be a trigger for personal change; this can be enhanced by individual coaching and meetings with colleagues and people in leadership. We create team reports that function as a starting point for team development. We make organizational reports that include advice for leadership teams. In all we do we supply formats and tools, facilitate team sessions, offer coaching and support for internal communication.
Executive coaching
As the one in charge or in leadership you look for refreshing perspectives that help you and your organization progress. We can start from your particular question or we can zoom in on happiness at work. You explore how you ensure that crucial conditions for your own happiness at work and that of the people around you take shape; with a coach you work towards improvement. Often we agree on 4-6 sessions in a trajectory. A professional Communication Intelligence profile is an excellent point of departure.